Keys Last Stand

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Key West Special Meeting

July 4, 2021

Via Email

Mayor Teri Johnston
Commissioner Weekley
Commissioner Kaufman
Commissioner Wardlow
Commissioner Davila
Commissioner Hoover
Commissioner Lopez

1300 White Street
Key West, FL  33040

Re:      Special Meeting ~ Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Dear Mayor and City Commissioners:

Last Stand would strongly urge the passing of Resolutions that will replicate the language of the three voter-enacted referendums.

There is striking visual evidence of the improved water clarity after the absence of the cruise ship industry in our ports. This is evident both in the Atlantic and the Gulf waters all the way up the Keys.

The voices and the votes were clear. Now it is in your hands to effect that for the benefit of the people.

For the Last Stand Board,

D.A. Aldridge, President


cc:       Arlo Haskell (Via email
Safer Cleaner Ships