Keys Last Stand

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Letter to Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez

February 15, 2021 

Via email: 

Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez
318 Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Dear Senator Rodriguez,

The board of directors of Last Stand asks you to strenuously oppose SB 426.  The voters have spoken and we would like for that decision to stand.

The decision to limit cruise ships that visit Key West to smaller and more environmentally responsible sizes was overwhelmingly approved by Key West voters. SB 426 is seeking to override the will of the voters in a free and fair election for political purposes and to benefit a small number of wealthy interests.

The environmental impact on the reef and our waters after the cruise ship industry was shut down due to the pandemic is palpable. There was immediate and striking visual evidence of the improved clarity, both in the Atlantic and the Gulf waters all the way up the Keys.

The voices and the votes were clear. The referendums on cruise ships in Key West are set forth to protect our ecosystem. The harm directly impacted by SB 426 will affect fifteen ports and jeopardize the long-standing home rule that we in the Keys have fought to maintain over several decades.

The Key West port remains a sense of pride. We understand that there is a broader spectrum of constituents in the Miami area. Nevertheless, we would implore you to consider the voices of Key West and oppose SB 426.

For the Last Stand board,

D.A. Aldridge, President
